Municipality of Zaanstad

Interview: How does the pseudonymisation and depseudonymisation of personal data help the Municipality of Zaanstad with data analysis?

More and more organisations are facing the challenge of performing data analyses of personal data within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). And more and more organisations are opting to pseudonymise personal data. We asked Tom Pots, programme manager for data-driven working at the Municipality of Zaanstad, about his challenges in this area. What has he experienced thus far when it comes to the pseudonymisation of data, and what has this yielded in concrete terms?

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Pseudonymisation service for traffic research | Viacryp

Parking Management Congress 2020

The annual Parking Management Congress is once again taking place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, this time online. The focus will be on exchanging visions and experiences, gathering knowledge and getting to know each other to shape future policy and implement parking management efficiently and effectively.

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This is how pseudonymisation works

This is how pseudonymisation works

An author who doesn’t want the public to know he has written a particular book will use a pseudonym. Applying this concept to data analysis allows data from various sources to be compared without compromising the privacy of those involved. But how does pseudonymisation actually work? Edwin Kusters, co-founder and director of Viacryp, is happy to explain.

(This article was published on

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New NEN standard for pseudonymisation - Viacryp

New NEN standard for pseudonymisation

The NEN recently published the ‘NEN 7524’, the new standard for pseudonymisation service provision. This health care standard is expected to lead to improved patient safety and better cooperation between providers and users of pseudonymisation services, such as in mental health care services.

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Opportunities and challenges around data-driven management - viacryp.jpg

Opportunities and challenges around data-driven management

This interview with Edwin Kusters was published on 19 May 2018 in Pulse Media Group’s special ‘Digitalisation of the Public Sector’, distributed by Elsevier Weekblad.

The digitisation of society is leading to increasing amounts of data becoming available. This creates opportunities for governmental organisations to carry out analyses and base policies on those results. The privacy rights of citizens must come first, however, says Edwin Kusters, founder of and technical director at Viacryp.

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